chance encounter

my chance encounter with [redacted]
transcript of interview (shortened form)
may 14th, 3039

q: first of all, who are You and what are You? are You an extraterrestrial species or can your origin be found on this planet?
a: aS YoU cOuLD sEE WiTh Own EYes, i'm NoT LiKE yOu and ToBeHonest Am No MamMal. Am a Male Reptile bEinG belOnGiNG 2 Verrry Old Reptile raCE. naTive TerraNs of A pLanet Ur Tongue Cannot PronOunce...

q: can You at least tell me Your name?
a: iT iS a DiffiCulty 4 Human Tongue 2 PronOunce, & aNy MisPronunciATion of Our Names R Offensive! Our LanguaGE is Very DiFFerent frm Urs - bUt I will Try... "SSHhHhShsakka", STRong pronunciation of the SH sounds, DEar.

q: what are Your weaknesses, SSHhHhShsakka?
a: shadows, dampening fields, spiders, worm holes, blackholes, darkness, government officials, draconian officials, CIA, FBI...

q: what attacks have You planned for humankind in the near future?
a: SatAnIC ATTACKS, WizaRD ATTACKS, voodoo ATTCKS, DRuid WiTch ATACKS, MIND CONTROL attack, disEase SiGnAL ATTAKS, wErEw0lf ATTCKS, ReMote VieWing ATTACKS, telePATHic ATTACKS, DeMonic aTTCKS, tEsLA Wave ATTACKS, sOrCERY ATTACKS... every kind of attack that I don't know the name of...

q: wow, SSHhHhShsakka, you have all the time in the world to plan all those malicious attacks?
a: Y E ssss, in faCt I HavE hAD TiME TO aNaLyze U as A hUMAN fORM...

q: not sure if I would like to know what the reptiles think of me, SSHhHhShsakka...
a: ALL The Same, it appeared to Me that You are not Living at all, but somewhere else A Long Way, and that U had merely DROPPED BY, in a Hurry, Left SOMEBODY somewhere, Had Not Finished Doing - ur GLANCE seem Intent, with a shade of BoldnessAndMockery, seemed to gaze into space through the object YOU are looking at, Trying to distingUISH the distance beyond WHAT's IN FRONT. You have ABSENT-MINDED LOOK. Hot Violent Passions (hidden), but the glowing Coals smouldered QUIETLY AND kept covered in ASHES. EVERYTHING seemed to attract yet somehow u NEVER REMAINED, drifting hither and thither...

[interview has been cut abruptly when the writer burst into tears and SSHhHhShsakka begin to lick the salty drops off the writer's face]


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