lsd poem #1
the people in their twenties of the 21st century
they had their own animal country
whose borders as by the ocean were washed by dream
all fully explored sweet stench lurked the breath of world's hideousness
semen lust greed the last flowered jasmine spat out food cigarette butts
the laws o f of o f life
are intermingled with the laws of dream protect me
from the overwhelming hideousness of the world
i think about various things light w a v e s or bits tremors axes
incessantly about God
two days ago these were still news
the cigarette smouldering the hymen intact the rat alive
i want simply to draw breath my jaws clenched
the fish turns out to be a key
that is why it didn't have to fit in
hello fish
i am fish this hour this fleeting moment a fish in clarity in finality of the world reflection
a gentle lunatic fish that pursues lazily
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